Ciclosporin 0.1% / 1 mg/mL eye drops
Severe vernal keratoconjunctivitis in children from 4 years of age and adolescents.
Amber level 0
Nice TA:
Commissioning responsibility:
PbR excluded:
BNF chapter:
Suitable for prescribing in primary care following recommendation or initiation by a specialist.
- Little or no specific monitoring required.
- Patient may need a regular review, but this would not exceed that required for other medicines routinely prescribed in primary care.
- Brief prescribing document or information sheet may be required.
Primary care prescribers must be familiar with the drug to take on prescribing responsibility or must get the required information.
When recommending or handing over care, specialists should ask primary care prescribers to take over prescribing responsibility, and should give enough information about the indication, dose, monitoring requirements, use outside product licence and any necessary dose adjustments to allow them to confidently prescribe.
LSCMMG Recommendation:
Amber level 0
Reason for decision:
Suitable for GP prescribing following recommendation/initiation by specialist
Supporting documents: