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Treatment of chronic constipation in women (NICE TA211) and Use in men: Prucalopride for the treatment of chronic constipation in men (LSCMMG recommendation)
NICE TA211 - Prucalopride for the treatment of chronic constipation in women
Amber level 0


Nice TA:


Commissioning responsibility:


PbR excluded:


BNF chapter:
Gastro-intestinal system


Use in women: NICE TA 211 (Prucalopride for the treatment of chronic constipation in women)
Prucalopride is recommended as an option for the treatment of chronic constipation only in women for whom treatment with at least two laxatives from different classes, at the highest tolerated recommended doses for at least 6 months, has failed to provide adequate relief and invasive treatment for constipation is being considered.
If treatment with prucalopride is not effective after 4 weeks, the woman should be re-examined and the benefit of continuing treatment reconsidered.
Prucalopride should only be prescribed by a clinician with experience of treating chronic constipation, who has carefully reviewed the woman’s previous courses of laxative treatments.
Use in men: Prucalopride for the treatment of chronic constipation in men
LSCMMG recommends prucalopride as an option for the treatment of chronic constipation in men for whom treatment with at least two laxatives from different classes, at the highest tolerated recommended doses for at least 6 months, has failed to provide adequate relief and invasive treatment for constipation is being considered.
If treatment with prucalopride is not effective after 4 weeks, the man should be re-examined and the benefit of continuing treatment reconsidered.
Prucalopride should only be prescribed by a clinician with experience of treating chronic constipation, who has carefully reviewed the man’s previous courses of laxative treatments.


LSCMMG Recommendation:

Amber level 0

Reason for decision:

Suitable for GP prescribing following recommendation/initiation by specialist

Decisions of Lancashire local decision making groups

Amber 0
Amber 0
Amber 0
Amber 0
Amber 0
Amber 0
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Last Updated: 01 - Nov - 2016