All Guidance
The purpose of this guideline is to assist primary care practitioners to advise patients of the appropriate monitoring regimen for their clinical condition and diabetes type and to ensure appropriate volumes of testing strips are supplied.
For Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, discoid and systemic lupus erythematosus, and dermatological conditions caused or aggravated by sunlight in adults Information for prescribers - to be read in conjunction with the SPC
Please refer to the LSCMMG inclisiran medicines entry for further information on use within Lancashire and South Cumbria - RAG rated 'Green (Restricted)'.
This information sheet has been produced to summarise key information about insulin Toujeo for those providing care for patients on this insulin, including on-going prescribing, supply or administration. It is not specifically intended for diabetes specialists who are responsible for initiation and switching to/from insulin Toujeo®. Specialists are advised to refer to the SPC and local protocols for further information.
For the symptomatic treatment of chronic stable angina or chronic heart failure Information for prescribers - to be read in conjunction with the SPC
The CUES service will use the skills of practitioners to manage and prioritise patients presenting with a recent onset symptomatic or urgent eye condition and for advice to support self-management of less complex eye conditions. An examination will provide a timely assessment of the needs of a patient presenting with an eye condition. This will be undertaken by an accredited practitioner with suitably equipped premises who will manage the patient appropriately and safely.
IP Prescribing
IP Optometrists can prescribe certain medications for treatment of the eye or the structures around the eye in accordance with Lancashire and South Cumbria IP formulary, enabling them to manage a wider range of conditions. We would expect patients to be directed to a pharmacy or alternative outlet to purchase OTC products (such as antihistamines, ocular lubricants, and analgesics) where available in line with the NHSE Policy.
The Lancashire and South Cumbria Self-Care and Access to OTC Medicines – Template policy has been developed for use by care homes in Lancashire and South Cumbria. The policy must be reviewed by each care home for suitability and finalised prior to use.
This policy MUST be read in conjunction with the local or care home medicines policy
Treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis and active psoriatic arthritis.
Please note: a standard operating procedure for switching Keppra preparations to generic levetiracetam preparations is available in support of the position statement below. This is for use by practice supporting pharmacy teams across Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB ONLY
For the treatment of pneumonia or complicated skin and soft tissue infections on the recommendation of a microbiologist when used as a 10-14-day course
**Please refer to attached prescriber information sheet for more detail prior to prescribing**
Licensed Indications
- In the management of acute mania or hypomanic episodes
- In the management of episodes of recurrent depressive disorders where treatment with other antidepressants has been unsuccessful
- In the prophylaxis against bipolar affective disorders
- Control of aggressive behaviours of intentional self-harm.
This guidance has been produced to facilitate the safe prescribing of LMWHs in primary care. It provides an overview of points to be considered when initiating LMWHs and when transferring prescribing responsibilities to or from another organisation.
This is a summary document intended for Primary Care, taken from a more comprehensive document ‘Guidelines for the Management of Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) in Primary and Secondary Care. This document should be accessed for additional resources such as the Leaflet for Care Home Staff, assessment forms and flow chart for responding to BPSD.
Information contained within this document is largely taken from the PrescQIPP toolkit ‘Reducing Antipsychotics in Dementia and documents available on the Alzheimer’s Society website.
This guideline comprises a flow chart outlining a stepwise approach to the management of psoriasis in adults and in children and young people. The guideline also includes relevant treatment review periods and referral criteria.
Rheumatoid arthritis, severe psoriasis, severe active juvenile idiopathic
arthritis, severe psoriatic arthritis, mild to moderate Crohn’s disease
Unlicensed: Severe Eczema, Lichen Planus, Felty’s syndrome, severe Crohn’s disease
N.B. Not all brands/formulations are licensed for all indications – please refer to individual SPCs