All Guidance
This guidance does not replace the SPC’s, which should be read in conjunction with this guidance.
Medical camouflaging products must only be initiated by a healthcare professional that specialises in skin colour matching and appropriate application techniques.
Please note: these products must only be continued in primary care if the patient’s GP believes issuing such a prescription will continue to significantly reduce the impact of the patient’s medical condition.
This guidance does not replace the SPC’s, which should be read in conjunction with this guidance.
Treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis and active psoriatic arthritis.
This guideline comprises a flow chart outlining a stepwise approach to the management of psoriasis in adults and in children and young people. The guideline also includes relevant treatment review periods and referral criteria.
Rheumatoid arthritis, severe psoriasis, severe active juvenile idiopathic
arthritis, severe psoriatic arthritis, mild to moderate Crohn’s disease
Unlicensed: Severe Eczema, Lichen Planus, Felty’s syndrome, severe Crohn’s disease
N.B. Not all brands/formulations are licensed for all indications – please refer to individual SPCs
This protocol only applies to the unlicensed indications listed below. Transplant protocols should be followed for licensed indications.
Unlicensed: Severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, connective tissue diseases with severe / organ-threatening manifestations, interstitial lung disease (not to be used in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis IPF), vasculitidies, as maintenance post cyclophosphamide in patients for whom azathioprine is contra-indicated or is inappropriate.
Licensed: Rheumatoid arthritis; ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease in adults and children
Unlicensed: Sero-negative spondyloarthropathy including psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis.